Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Fleche

1 comment:

  1. 1. Good to see once again, after a long time, the coroplast mud guards.

    2. There is a poem (somewhat akin to a prayer, but not exactly what is meant by a prayer in English) in a language I speak, that says something like : -

    (the part within brackets is added by me)

    The general sense is : "Like a bird that soars away from a ship in the ocean, only to return"

    "my mind is like a bird on a ship (at sea),
    howsoever far away it flies (from the ship),
    it finally comes back (to the ship)"

    In my opinion, that holds true for bicycling as well, for some (or more, or most) enthusiasts.

    It is good to see the bike pictures.

