Saturday, November 4, 2023

Cats and Time


1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is true. Cats have a near purrfect (get it!?) body clock. We had two cats. Our beloved Dussy was put to rest in mid-September and she was an excellent alarm clock. She'd slink into our bedroom at 6:30am, fifteen minutes before my alarm would sound. She'd hop onto the bed and we'd be aware of her presence. I'd check the clock and figure that it was close enough to wake up time and I'd prepare for the day, making sure to organise her first meal of the day.
    Our other cat, Bowie, isn't so helpful. He walks into our bedroom meowing at 5:00am, demanding food. If he could just hold off for a couple of hours, that would be great. But that's not how cats work, is it?
