Thursday, February 9, 2023

Ted Gioia on the State of the Culture


  1. Kent,
    Thanks for the interesting read and for posting the link to The Honest Broker.

    I just wanted to comment on the book sales reported by BookScan. All those titles are traditionally published works. Yes, it looks sad, but BookScan doesn't take into account the Indie book market. There isn't a good way to count the Indie books because Amazon doesn't share their numbers with anyone. Most of the top selling Amazon books are Indie and that doesn't count the authors doing Kickstarters like Brandon Sanderson or selling on their own websites or writing serial works online. Lots of Indie authors make full time money. Don't give up on reading. The Indie author scene is alive and well.

    The traditional publishers are hurting. Look up the recent DOJ case of Random House trying to acquire Simon and Schuster. It's laughable. Their business models are failing because they are stuck in the past.

    Just a fun fact, Barnes & Noble are opening 30 new stores! People are still reading books!

    Thanks for the great post. I love reading your blog

  2. "100,000 songs are uploaded daily ... 30 million podcasts ... each year".

    "2,500 videos uploadad to Youtube each minute" - If one assumes that each video is one minute long (most are probably longer), one will need 2500 minutes (= 41 hours 40 minutes) to listen to what was up loaded in a minute (assuming no breaksm, and assuming no time is taken in clicking on the next video after one is over).

    Interesting. It gives a whole new meaning to the saying "Art is long, life is short".

