Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Heart Can Be Filled Anywhere on Earth


This house, which is kind of diagonally behind us, is for sale.

This is home.


  1. A few things that came to mind on reading the blog post above , thought they are not related to its content : -

    The song "Home Sweet Home" (1823) comes to mind, for some reason.

    As does one of a part of the poem “Gifts” (though it was written in a different context) which says :

    “Give a man a pipe he can smoke,
    Give a man a book he can read,
    And his home is bright with a calm delight,
    Though the room be poor indeed”.

    As does the part a song which says :-
    "... I don't need a mansion on a hill
    That overlooks the sea..."

    In a even more vague/ tangential manner, the poem “To Althea, from Prison”, also comes to mind.


  2. I remember winter days in Iowa when the long, dark nights briefly yielded to dim days when you could barely make out the horizon, because the gray skies blended into the snow covered ground.
